After a thrilling, award-nominated debut in 2023, Staying Wild returns for a second season on Citytv Saskatchewan. The six-part docu-series follows the daily drama at the Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre (LSWR) as staff members rehabilitate an assortment of wild animals. LSWR is one of the busiest rescue centres in Western Canada treating more than 2,000 wildlife species each season.
The series takes place in the city of Saskatoon, highlighting the delicate relationship between wild animals and an urban setting. Each episode follows Jan Shadick and her team as they encounter animals and birds brought into the centre requiring various degrees of medical attention. Skunks, foxes, geese, porcupines, a beaver, pelicans and a scene-stealing otter named Oscar are among the many creatures featured this season.
Staying Wild highlights the triumph and tragedy of healing and rehabilitating wild animals and preparing them for release. Tears of joy and loss are commonplace at LSWR as Jan and her team do all they can to return these animals back where they belong; the wild.
Producer Jackie Kripki stated: “Our crew is thrilled to take Staying Wild viewers up close and personal with these amazing characters – both the animals, with their distinct stories and personalities, and the humans who sacrifice so much to save their lives. We hope viewers will enjoy all the drama and heartfelt emotion of season two.”
The program will air weekly on Citytv Saskatchewan with Mondays at 10:00pm, with repeat broadcasts on Fridays at 11pm, Saturdays at 4pm & Sundays at 11pm. The series is also be available on on demand in Saskatchewan.
Staying Wild is a collaboration between three Saskatchewan production companies – Little Ox Film Company, Overtime Studios, and 3 Story Pictures. It was commissioned by Citytv and produced with additional financial support from Canada Media Fund, SaskTel Max Equity Fund, and Creative Saskatchewan’s production grant.
Living Sky Rehabilitation Centre is a non-profit registered charity in Saskatoon. Its mission is to provide a safe place for injured and orphaned wild animals to grow and mend until they can return to their natural habitat while encouraging public tolerance and understanding of wildlife.
For more information on the TV series visit
For more information on Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre visit